Refunds & returnsCancelling ordersTo cancel an order please contact our customer service team within 24 hours of placing the order via email at If you've ordered some products and need to cancel it, please contact us within 24 hours or we may have already sent your order. If your order has already been sent, delivery fees are not refundable. Return policyIf for any reason you are not happy with your order, we will offer you a refund or exchange within 14 days of purchase.
To receive a full refund, you must fill out a return slip online within 14 days of the delivery date of your order. The refund does not include delivery charges or the cost of returning the items.
If you would like to return all or part of your order, please fill out the slip form for any returns and print out a copy to include in the packaging, and send the items back to us at:
Fondazione Il Giardino dei Tarocchi - E-shop return Pescia Fiorentina 58011 Capalbio
Proovincia di Grosseto
If any of the items in your order arrive damaged or were sent by mistake, please email customer service immediately at We will arrange a replacement or refund for you as soon as possible. RefundsOnce the item(s) have been received with the return slip inside, we will process your refund, replacement or exchange in a timely manner. Please make sure the item(s) are returned in pristine condition and in its original packaging. Refunds will be issued using the same payment details that were used to purchase the items. We aim to process all returns within 2-4 weeks but the refund could take up to an additional 20 working days to reflect in your account. Customer Service - Return Slip FormPlease fill out this form for any returns and print out a copy to include in the packaging. You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to send this form. Please fill out the form carefully in order to facilitate and expedite data processing. |